What is a video unit?

In This Article

Origits offers five types of video units: standard player, outstream, overlay, marquee, and lightbox. Each unit is designed to provide a unique video experience and can be controlled by the user with its own set of options.

A video unit is a combination of a video player and a custom-designed block that allows you to integrate video to your website in a variety of ways.

Kinds of Origits video units

Origits has five different types of base video units:


The standard video player has a complete set of features such as quality and speed control, hotkeys, and the ability to interact with it through API calls.


A type of video unit designed to be shown between parts of website content. It is normally hidden and only appears when visitors scroll to the viewable area of the website content.


This video unit was designed for turning any website content into a video player. It covers text, video, or picture content with a video block and may be used as a reward video or to speed up the preroll advertisements for media sites.


The video unit was created with the aim of providing video to the large amounts of the website's visitors. It sits at the top of the website header and is capable of delivering video announcements or advertisements to each of the website visitors.

A lightbox is a type of video unit that fills the screen with video while darkening the rest of the web page. A common way to show video on buttons and links.

Each video unit was developed to provide the greatest user experience. Every unit on the page can be hidden by the user. Each video unit has its own set of options allowing you to control when and how often video is shown on every page of the website.